Minor Prophets (Adults)

Amos Chapter 4

Lesson written by Brandon Vetter

Amos Chapter 4

1.  What significance is there to them term “cows of Bashan?” (Hint: Deut 32:14, Ezek 39:18)


2.  What are the sins of these women?


3.  What is significant about God swearing by His holiness?


4.  What can be inferred about the attitude of the Israelites toward worship in verses 4-5?  Is this any different than worship by many today?



5.  When did God make a promise to Israel concerning the punishments they received in verses 6-11?


6.  Why did God punish Israel in these various ways in verses 6-11?


7.  What do verses 6-11 show about the character of God?


8.  What must Israel now do because they have not returned to God?


9.  What kind of God will Israel meet?